The proposed dataset was developed entirely for the purpose of meeting the requirements of the proposed model, and due to the lack of one that meets them. It consists of images of the shapes or objects, shadows and intensities, which for this research are a fundamental part and the essential resource to achieve the proposed objectives.
In addition, geometric objects have a common characteristic, which is that they are uniform in their edges as well as in their structure and shadows. The latter can be processed in different models, convolutional neural network architectures, with deep learning and using algorithms with which the experimentation process would be carried out, to determine the height and generate the volume of the object from the shadow it casts.
One of the motivations in proposing this research is the possibility that with the information that is collected, processed and analyzed, through the use of neural networks, a deep learning model and a set of data can be obtained, which can be used to find the right combination of parameters for the shape from the shadows and light.
Hence the importance of this topic because it is expected to prove that it is possible to combine deep learning, a data set, the analysis of light and shadows for the development of an algorithm that in experimentation obtains optimal results. This being a theoretical-practical reference and a starting point to issues related to shadows, understanding that in these there is more information than can be perceived with the naked eye.
Read MoreIn 2D digital images can be found different scenes, which contain elements such as textures, edges, shapes, colors, shadows, etc., from which relevant information can be extracted and used in research through the implementation of shadow detection algorithms. This information is used to establish the relationship between the geometry of the object, the light source and the shadow area. It is also understood that shadows are a source of relevant information at the level of shapes of surfaces or objects, allowing to locate areas of interest in an image, direction of the illumination source, geometry of the shape, among other characteristics (Kriegman, Belhumeur 1998).
These geometric properties of shadows are of special interest for this work, because they allow establishing perceivable relationships between shapes, shadows and illumination, according to the structure and height of the surface (Knill, Mamassian and Kersten 1997).
After reviewing the content of the Datasets, it is identified that they do not meet several of the requirements proposed here. Therefore, it is proposed to build the dataset according to the requirements, among them, that it can be scalable in the amount of data, different sizes of shapes and objects, being able to include new real photographs of geometric shapes with their shadows, including features that are essential to optimize the results. In addition, the images can be organized and/or classified in folders according to the most relevant features, which is a way to properly structure the dataset.
Construction of a photographic dataset with RGB images (3 channels).
Dimmable white light led lamp, a potentiometer and a matte white surface.
Fixed camera at 45 and 50 units and 45 degree tilt angle.
Convolutional Neural Network, supervised learning.
Geometric shapes (cubes, spheres and cylinders) with different heights and also including some of synthetic material are produced in wood.
Photographs were taken of geometric shapes with uniform edges and shapes, initially of cubes, spheres and cylinders. The environment for taking the photographs was controlled both in the source of illumination and in the type of geometric shape.
The images were preprocessed to have a dimension of 800 by 600 pixels and three RGB channels (Red, Green, Blue).
The Dataset has 4,500 images (spheres, cubes and cylinders) of 800 by 600 pixels.
Julian Rene Munoz B
Telephone/Cellular: (57) 3108987728, 3137063049 (Colombia)
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Anaconda: Tensorflow, keras, etc.
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Read MorePostgraduate Student at the University of Cauca
University Professor and Researcher
Faculty of Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications
Department of Telecommunications
R&D Group in New Technologies in Telecommunications - GNTT
Line of research: Signals and Telecommunications Systems
The following are some of the references:
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Bouguett, J., Webert, M. and Peronat, P. (1999a) ‘What do planar shadows tell about scene geometry’, IEEE.
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Vicente, T. F. Y., Yu, C.-P. and Samaras, D. (2014) ‘Single Image Shadow Detection Using Multiple Cues in a Supermodular MRF’, pp. 126.1-126.11. DOI: 10.5244/c.27.126.
Cammarano, M. and Hanrahan, P. (2002) ‘Shadow Silhouette Maps’, ACM Transacciones de ACM en gráficos, 22, pp. 521–526.
Daum, M. et al. (1998) ‘On 3-D Surface Reconstruction Using Shape from Shadows’, IEEE Con- ference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pp. 1–8.